Neemrana, Rajasthan
Industrial Area
470.35 acres
Nearest airport New Delhi is at a distance of 148 KM.
Nearest railway station is Bawal at a distance of 50Km
Nearest bus stand Behror is at a distance of 13 Km
Building products
Commercial Services & Supplies
Electrical Equipment
Food and Agro Products
Leather & Leather Products
Metals and Mining
Paper & Forest Products
Textile, Apparel & Accesssories
INDUSTRIAL AREA KESHWANA (KOTPUTLI): Situated in ALWAR district, the area was transferred to RIICO in 1994.
The area is well developed with quality infrastructural facilities like good road network of all the roads of National Highway, State Highway and district roads ( 2 Km. inside NH- 8), water supply through tubewell, electricity from 220 KV GSS at NIC(M) Neemrana, 132 KV GSS Behror and Shajahanpur, 33/11 KV SS at Industrial Area Neemrana, Behror, NIC(M), Neemrana, etc. Deposits of limestone at Kotputli.