Agra, Uttar Pradesh
Leather Park, Kirwali
Industrial Area
111.00 Hectare
200 kilometer away Indra Gandhi International Airport from Delhi
The city has several railway stations.
200 km away from Delhi.
Building products
Construction & Engineering
Electrical Equipment
Food and Agro Products
Household Durables
Leather & Leather Products
Luxury Goods
Metals and Mining
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels
Textile, Apparel & Accesssories
Transportation Infrastructure
The UP State Industrial Development Corporation (UPSIDC) have launched the Rs 200-crore Integrated Leather Park project. The leather park serves as a unified production hub for a large number of small- and mid-scale leather garment, footwear and accessory production units, that will benefit from shared facilities like an advanced design studio. According to UPSIDC, the corporation has a total of 111 hectares of land, located near Kirawli, close to the Agra-Jaipur highway. The Footwear Design and Development Institute Noida has set up a branch of the institute in Agra, which will train at least 12,000 single-skilled operators for the industry. the city’s leather trade is also gearing up for two more footwear infrastructure projects that will be launched shortly.